Arrange2Drive Documentation and Installation Information
(OLD) Changelog Arrange2Drive 3.x JOOMLA 3.x
Stable release date 11 December 2013 - Version 3.2.2
SITE (front end):
bug fixing:
- fixing problem with the list length for registered users in My Lifts and My Drivealerts
Stable release date 01 November 2013 - Version 3.2.1
SITE (front end):
bug fixing:
- fixing problems with the jQuery noConflict mode
Beta release date 28 August 2013 - Version 3.2
SITE (front end):
new functions / changes:
- predefined list of locations separately for departure and destination
- defined in locations.xml
- read more here
- multi currency function and options, now there can be simultaneously any number of currencies while entering and editing an entry
- defined in currencies.xml
- read more here
ADMIN (back end):
new functions / changes:
- new options for the fixed places
- jQuery noConflict mode option
Stable release date 14 June 2013 - Version 3.1.1
SITE (front end):
new functions / changes:
- gender options while entering a ride
- detail sites now showing saved fuel in ltr. and money
- Jomsocial integration (detail site, add mask)
ADMIN (back end):
new functions / changes:
- gender options display - parameter list (yes, no)
- http and https switcher for extern libraries
- vehicle emission -> field for average fuel price
- Jomsocial options (on - off, gender and phone field)
- Option to show contact information only for registered users
- Map zoom option
- Show share overlay option
Stable release date 14 May 2013 - Version 3.0.1
ADMIN (back end):
bug fixing:
- publish, delete, unpublish for the ride overview of rides
- fixing redirection after editing existing entry in registration mode