Arrange2Drive Documentation and Installation Information
General information - Installation and configuration of the component
- Details
- Last Updated on Tuesday, 25 November 2014 12:01
The carpooling software is very easy to install and to configure. After uploading the zip file you have only to fill in a few values and configure your menu. Thats it!
The configuration is splitted to seven topics like Basic Configuration, User Management, Country Settings, Display Settings, Prices, Places, Ads.
Basic Configuration
- Email admin - Choose the user which should be the admin of the carpooling service
- Notify admin - Choose if the admin should be notified by every entered ride
- Delete past entries - What should happen with expired entries (delete or set to unvisible)
- Sorting - Decides how to sort the overview sites by default
- Captcha settings - reCaptcha, calc-captcha or do not use captcha at all
- Accept the TOS - Choose if the user should accept the TOS while entering a ride
- URL to the TOS - A textfiled to enter the URL to your TOS
- DriveAlert - Enable the automatic entering a user to the notification service
- Bootstrap - Since A2D 3.3.2 Bootstrap must be activated, but uses it's own CSS file
User Management
- User registration - Choose if the system should run with user registration
- User management - Choose which extended user management you want to use
- Link to user profile - While using the Arrange2Drive Profile, you can set a link in the detail site to the users profile
- Profile image size - The size in KB of the users profile image
- Using Jomsocial - deprecated since 3.3.2
- Community Builder
- Link to the profile - Shows a link to the Community Builder profile page
- Community Builder Telephone - Custom field name for the telephone
- Community Builder Gender - Custom field name for the gender
- How to set up Community Builder fields
- JomSocial
- Link to the profile - Shows a link to the JomSocial profile page
- JomSocial Telephone - Custom field name for the telephone
- JomSocial Gender - Custom field name for the gender
Country settings
- Country code e.g. DE - Enter the country code of your country - DE, AT, PL...
- Multilingual - Choose if your site is multilingual or not
- System of measurement - Choose your system of measurement, metric or imperial
- Your time zone - Choose your time zone
Display settings
- Date format - Choose your preferred date format - or mm.dd.YYYY
- Alt. jQ date - Alternative jQ date format.
- Alt. PHP date - Alternative PHP date format.
- Latitude - Type in the latitude for centering the map above the region you want to
- Longitude - Type in the longitude for centering the map above the region you want to
- Map zoom - Sets the standard map zoom
- Show gender options - Choose if the gender specific options should be displayed
- Show author link - Here a link to the Arrange2Drive project can be enabled / disabled
- Show contact details - Show contact details only to registered users
- Show overlay - Enables / disables the Facebook share overlay after adding a ride
- Show on map button - (Yes / No) - Enables a show on map button and hides the map while loading a detail site. Otherwise the map will directly be shown
- Social networks - Show the social networks buttons on the detail sites
- Calender time range - Choose from 1 to 24 months the calenders time range
- Show ext. search - Show the extended search options (gender, smoker)
With the price configurator you can generate a price list for each currency you want. So you can generate a HTML select drop down list for prices like 2,50 EUR or 2000 INR.
- Show price - Choose if the price options should be available in the front-end
- Currency sign z.B. EUR - Here you can add your currency sign
- Start value - Start value to be shown first in the select price list e.g. 0 or 10
- Length of list - Length of the select list for the prices e.g. 25
- Increase of prices - The value to increase the price at each step / iteration
- Separator - Separator for the decimal places
- Intermediate steps - Amount of intermediate steps / decimal places for small prices e.g. 2,50 EUR. If choosen to 0, the steps won´t be shown!
- Decimal places - Decimal places for small values like 4,50 EUR
Here you can add predefined fixed or variable places. You can do this for departure and for destination. Places are new since Arrange2Drive 3.2!
- Fixed departure - Here you can type in a fixed departure, e.g. ”Alexanderplatz, Berlin, Germany”! This place must be known in Google Maps!
- You can choose also an alternative name for your place, learn more here
- Changeable - (Yes / No) - May the departure be changed by the user?
- Fixed destination - Here you can type in a fixed destination, e.g. ”Alexanderplatz, Berlin, Germany”! This place must be known in Google Maps!
- You can choose also an alternative name for your place, learn more here
- Changeable - (Yes / No) - May the destination be changed by the user?
Here you can manage JavaScript code for external ads. So you can place direct in the Arrange2Drive component ads e.g. from Google AdSense or similar.
- Detail site - Field to place your code on the detail sites, will be shown above "Place and time"
- State - locked or published
- Overview sites - Field to place your code on the overview sites, will be shown above "Place and time"
- State - locked or published
- Overlay - Field to place your code on the overlay, which appears after adding an entry
- State - locked or published
Vehicle Settings
Since Arrange2Drive 3.3.0 the vehicle settings are managed in the Arrange2Drive's separate configuration options.
Custom Fields
Custom Fields are new since Arrange2Drive 3.3.2. You will find them in the Arrange2Drive back-end under the menu item "Configuration". Here you can manage your own input fields, e.g. for luggage or nationality. The Custom Fields appear in step 5 of the add a trip mask.
A group is described by the group title, the group options and the list with your individual values.
Group title:
- Group title
- Language tag
- Short description
So it is possible to give your input group a name, a language tag and a short description.
Group options:
- Group enabled / Group disabled
- Field required / Field not required
- Field copyable / Field not copyable
- Field countable / Field not countable
Individual value list. Each item is described by:
- Label (required)
- Language tag (optional)
- Value (predefined - not changeable)
Each group can have as much items as you want.
Back-end screenshot:
Front-end screenshot:
Layout Settings
Since Arrange2Drive 3.3.0 the layout / colours can be managed easily via an own CSS and colour editor. So the layout and colour scheme can be customized in a few clicks!
You should use nearby the same colour depth / intensity for each colour as it is set in the basic preferences. You can't modify a single colour of a heading with the colour picker. You can only set a general colour scheme for the whole Arrange2Drive CSS file.
If you want to modify e.g. a single heading colour or layout, you should overwrite a CSS rule by using the "Individualized CSS" textarea.
Layout Bootstrap
Here you can set the colours of the Bootstrap buttons.
Screenshot back-end: